Monday, July 27, 2015

Don't Do As I Do

This is my first official post here. I'm writing this blog mostly for myself , if I'm honest. It is going to be a lifestyle blog for the most part, which for me includes food, exercise, clothes, accessories, beauty products, ideas and suggestions to help make life easier and to help create more balance.

The biggest hope for this blog is that someone, anyone, might come across it and use it to inspire positive change, growth, and a search for happiness and self in their own life.

Everything I do or try may not work for you, or fit you. But it may give you some ideas as to things that you may want to try.

What I'm trying to stress here, in my very first blog post is don't do as I do. Use the information  as inspiration. Walk your own road. Everyone's life is unique to them. We all have different financial constraints, and responsibilities, and we all have different priorities.

Take what you read here and use what you can and throw away the rest. This is my journey. I share it in hopes that you will embark on your own.